Reference Number44
TitleBriseadh na Cloiche
AuthorN/A (Anthology)
EditorMacDhòmhnaill, Coinneach Dòmhnall
Date Of Edition1970
Date Of Languagelate 20c
Date Of Language Ed1950-1999
DateMacroMid 20th c.
Date Of Language Notes
PublisherCeltic Department, Glasgow University
Place PublishedGlasgow
Volume4 (Leabhraichean Ùra Gàidhlig Oilthigh Ghlaschu)
LocationNational and local libraries
Geographical OriginsVarious
Geographical Origins EdVarious
Geographical Origins Notes
RegisterLiterature, Prose
Register EdLiterature, Prose
11 short stories from 11 different authors.
A variety of dialects are reflected in the terminology and in the orthography.
Contain some terminology relating to island life in the late 20th century, and some religious terminology.
Contains some good examples of direct speech in colloquial Gaelic.
Alternative Author NameN/A
Manuscript Or EditionEd.
Size And Condition21.2cm x 13.3cm
Short TitleBriseadh na Cloiche
Reference DetailsEdinburgh Central Scottish Lending Library: Stack PB1633
Number Of Pages84
Gaelic Text ByN/A
Social ContextIn 1968, the BBC staged a competition in Scotland for Gaelic short stories. Around 40 stories were submitted, and the BBC broadcast around 20 of them on the radio. This book is a collection of 11 of these short stories, including the winning entry, Briseadh na Cloiche by Iain Moireach. The selection of the other 10 stories was made by the editor and does not necessarily reflect the popularity of the stories among the listeners or the judges. The stories cover a range of subjects, such as strangers appearing in the village (e.g. A’ Fear a Thainig air Tir and Faoileann), the sale of a repaired boat (Creic agus Ceannach), cave-dwellers in pre-history (Leum nan Sinnsearan), and the boy whose brain split in two after getting his tonsils out (An Cluaisean).

The authors are from various places including Lewis (Ness and Barvas), Bernera Harris, Barra, and Skye (see Contents below). The editor states in the Roimh-radh that while he has tidied up some of the spelling in the texts, he has tried to retain the dialect of each story.
ContentsThis volume begins with a Roimh-radh (pp. 7-9), which explains about the BBC competition and also gives a short introduction to the nature of the short story in Gaelic literature, illustrated by some of the stories in this collection. The main body of the text contains 11 short stories as follows:

Briseadh na Cloiche by Iain Moireach (pp. 11-14): Iain Moireach is from Barvas in Lewis. The story centres around a man in his garden trying to break a large stone which stands in the way of the path he is constructing for his wife. As he exerts himself, he thinks on his failing relationship with his wife.

Ozymandias by Anna Chaimbeul (pp. 15-22): Anna Chaimbeul (aka Anna Latharna NicGillIosa) was born in Stirling and brought up in Oban. This story is a fantasy about a young boy who turns into an old man after a strange encounter in a wood one night.

A’ Fear a Thainig air Tir by Tormod Caimbeul (pp. 23-27): Tormod Chaimbeul is from Ness in Lewis. This story centres around the arrival of a strange man to a small township, and the locals’ opinion of him.

Creic agus Ceannach by Gòrdan Donald (p. 28-35): Gòrdan Donald is from London. He is a fluent Gaelic speaker who learnt his Gaelic in Tiree, where he was working at the time of publication. This story centres around Alasdair, Anndra, and Mórag. Anndra buys a boat from Alasdair, and in talking to Mórag, Alasdair’s wife, realises how unhappy she is in her marriage. Some time later, Anndra drowns while out in the boat that he bought from Alasdair.

Mary Kate by Coinneach Fionnlasdan (pp. 36-41): Coinneach Fionnlasdan is from Applecross in Ross-shire. In this story, a young teacher reminisces about a former student, Mary Kate, a young tinker girl, whom he taught how to tell the time. Her family eventually leave the area, and the two do not meet again until 18 years later.

Leum nan Sinnsearan by Domhnall Iain MacAidh (pp. 42-49): Domhnall Iain MacAidh is from Bernera Harris and, at the time of publication, was ceann-stiùiridh a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. This story centres round a family living in the Stone Age, and looks at their way of life, family relationships, and their beliefs about death.

Sin Mar a Tha by Pòl MacAonghais (pp. 50-56): Pòl MacAonghais was born in Gourock but was raised in North Uist from the age of eight. This story centres around Domhnall and his wife Oighrig. Domhnall begins to suspect Oighrig of having an affair with the owner of the restaurant she works at. He becomes ill with a stomach complaint, and on his recovery, he finds out that she has not been having an affair, but has been arranging to buy the restaurant.

An Canna Cocoa by Domhnall Iain MacDhùghaill (pp. 57-62): Domhnall Iain MacDhùghaill is from Barra. An islander falls out with the local shop-keeper and ends up as a down-and-out in Glasgow, where he dies some time later.

An Cluaisean by Fionnlagh MacLeòid (pp. 63-69): Fionnlagh MacLeòid is from Ness in Lewis. This story tells of a young boy who goes into hospital to have his tonsils removed and afterwards finds that his brain has been split into two distinct sections. He both hears and talks out of his ears, with his right ear only hearing and speaking Gaelic, and his left ear only hearing and speaking English.

Faoileann by Aonghas MacNeacail (pp. 70-76): Aonghas MacNeacail was born in Uig, Skye. This story looks at the intertwined lives of a number of people from the same village, and at the arrival of a stranger.

An t-Ogha by Eilidh Watt (pp. 77-82): Eilidh Watt was born in Skye. This story centres around a grandmother, Catriona, and the arrival of her daughter Mórag who has come home for a visit. Mórag brings with her her new husband and baby, neither of whom Catriona has met before. Catriona is shocked to find out that Mórag’s husband is Indian, but the baby bonds the family together.

At the end of the volume we find Na h-Ughdair (pp. 83-84), comprising a short paragraph about each of the authors.
SourcesIt seems that none of the stories in this collection were published previously, however at least one, Briseadh na Cloiche, was published subsequently (see Text 39, An Aghaidh Choimheach).
LanguageThis volume contains 11 stories by 11 different authors, on a variety of subjects. A number of the stories are set in the Highlands and Islands, and might be said to discuss island life, e.g. as A’ Fear a Thainig air Tir, An Canna Cocoa, Faoileann and An t-Ogha. A number of the stories contain good examples of direct speech, such as Creic agus Ceannach, An Canna Cocoa, and Faoileann. Faoileann also contains some religious terminology. Creic agus Ceannach also contains some terminology relating to boats.

As the editor has allowed each author, to a large extent, the freedom to use his or her own orthography and to reflect their own spoken Gaelic in their stories, this volume contains a range of Gaelic including a variety of dialectalisms and orthographies.

Tormod Caimbeul’s story A’ Fear a Thainig air Tir (pp. 23-27) reflects Ness Gaelic, and contains the following terminology of interest: Thàinig e tarsuinn na lotaichean ann am bòtunnan agus oillisgean (p. 23), a’ norradaich os cionn leabhar (p. 23), a’ famhair (p. 23), thòisich e gnogail ’s ag uspairtich (p. 23), mór-chuimhne (p. 23), bonnach-flùr a’ losgadh air a’ ghreideal (p. 23), botul branndaidh (p. 23), trub (p. 23), chan eil rian air nach tug (p. 23), cròdhanan (p. 23), latha Sàbaid nan òrduighean (p. 23), chaidh e ’n àrda ’na shradagan (p. 23), Leabhar an Taisbeanaidh (p. 24), Gàidhlig man a th’againn fhìn (p. 24), fear de chlann-dhìolain (p. 24), deamhnaidh colach ri (p. 24), fuirich ort (p. 24), bha e air an allaban ann a Lunnainn (p. 24), bho chionn fhada ’n t-saoghail (p. 24), a chuile duine (p. 24), Daingead (p. 24), gu-ta (p. 24), Cha mholadh e latha dhuit mana moladh tu latha dhà (p. 24), sgèan a’ mhoncaidh, mar gum b’e taibhs’ a bh’unnad (p. 25), a’d (p. 25), Thòisich e lachanaich àrd a chinn (p. 25), gun chuir e boill ris (p. 25), gun leig e brùchd (p. 25), Là-ne mhàireach (p. 25), chùm sin a chridhe ris (p. 25), na rather than no (p. 25), Gu dearbha (p. 25), bha chuid mhór dhan a’ bheachd (p. 25), a nis (p. 25), dhaibh-péin (p. 25), agus h-abair òl (p. 25), Cha robh pinnt a’ seasamh pluc ris, a dhuine (p. 25), chunnd (p. 25), ochd-diag (p. 25), a’ stad air son mùn (p. 26), ás cochull a cridhe (p. 26), a còta-bàn ’s a gùn-oidhch (p. 26), ’s e ri ’g iarraidh a-steach (p. 26), mo chreach, an truaghag (p. 26), Dh’fhónaig (p. 26), ann a’ scularaidh ùr (p. 26), an troc (p. 26), a’ gabhail alla ris (p. 26), a’ brunndail leis fhéin (p. 27), a’ dibhearsain (p. 27), am bleigeart (p. 27), ann a sud (p. 27), stròc (p. 27), a’ gòmadaich (p. 27), feagal (p. 27), cà ’n deach (p. 27), gun dùrd (p. 27), and am beil (p. 27). It can be seen from the above examples that Caimbeul uses colach rather than coltach, a chuile rather than a h-uile, gu-ta, man and mana, dhan rather than den, am beil rather than a bheil, feagal rather than eagal, na rather than no, dhuit rather than dhut, sud rather than siud, and diag rather than deug. His use of Dh’fhónaig, deamhnaidhtrub are also of particular interest.

Fionnlagh MacLeòid’s story, An Cluaisean (pp. 63-39), also reflects Lewis Gaelic and includes the following interesting terminology: a’ cumhad (p. 63), a h-uile (p. 63), ionaigh (p. 63), cha robh gruaman sam bith air (p. 63), Cha do dhùisg an Cluaisean gu fhionnaraidh (p. 63), strùp na poit (p. 63), dha-rìreamh (p. 63), a’ là (p. 63), Cha deidheadh aig’ air (p. 64), ag oireareachd (p. 64), diurra-bhiod (p. 64), is iad rud-eigin ionnach (p. 64), ach an anach càil a b’ urrainn dhaibh a dheanamh (p. 65), ’ga thaosnadh ’s ’ga chinicneadh (p. 65), mur a tigeadh a shubhailcean thuige (p. 65), gun d’rinneadh graodhnachas ris (p. 65), na (p. 65), Leabhar Aithghearr nan ceist (p. 65), ’na trotan (p. 65), Latha-na-mhàireach (p. 66), a rotadh (p. 66), ás deidh na dìot (p. 66), gu robh i dualtach da rìreamh (p. 67), Abair gun chuir seo daoine air bhoil (p. 68), ann an sileacan (p. 69), and fo smàb na Beurla (p. 69). Perhaps of particular interest is his spelling of cumhad rather than coimhead, his use of ionaigh, ionnach and anach, his use of a h-uile in comparison with T. Caimbeul’s a chuile, and likewise Latha-na-mhàireach in comparison with T. Caimbeul’s Là-ne mhàireach, his use of na instead of no, and the final t in ceist.

Aonghas Dubh’s story, Faoileann reflects his Skye Gaelic and contains the following interesting terminology: a’ ghilead (p. 70), òganach is a rùn (p. 70), dùrdan a’ chuain (p. 70), peacadh is aindhiadhachd (p. 70), gnùis an Diabhaill (p. 70), a-measg truailleachd na linne so (p. 70), gràs Dhé (p. 70), fear dhe fhoirfich a bha riamh dìreach, ann a’ seirbhis an Athar (p. 71), le fìrinn a’ Chruthaidhear (p. 71), latha Bhreitheanais (p. 71), ma’n àm so ’n ath bhliadhna (p. 71), ’S ann dìolain a rugadh ise (p. 71), a’ bruidheann (p. 72), faoileann (p. 72), Robh sgeul air-san? (p. 72), Bheil a leis fhéin, eil fios (p. 72), ’n Donas fhéin (p. 73), a-mach (p. 73), ’ga gharadh fhéin ri teine (p. 73), gu robh i trom le leanabh (p. 74), bho uair gu uair (p. 74), an Diabhol fhein (p. 74), fhathasd (p. 74), a’ feall-fholach (p. 74), an dara ceist (p. 75), and a h-uile gleadhar (p. 76). Of particular interest is his use of bruidheann rather than bruidhinn, dara rather than darna, and the religious terminology that appears throughout the story.

Domhnall Iain MacDhùghaill’s story An Canna Cocoa (pp. 57-62) reflects his Barra Gaelic and contains the following terminology of note: nan suidhe air an treasd an tacsa cunntar nam bròg (p. 57), Gach latha seachduinn ( p. 57), air a’ bhata chrom (p. 57), a chuinnseas (p. 57), Ud, ud, ud (p. 57), Tha eitheamh a dh’fhad ann (p. 57), air an turus (p. 57), chaidh aige air an uimhir de mhóralachd a chur ’sa ghnìomh (p. 58), gun tàinig fiamh gàire air mo shliop ge b’oil leam (p. 58), Matà (p. 58), gu leòir (p. 58), sgialachdan (p. 58), Nach e ’n saoghal ’tha cruaidh air an dara duine (p. 58), Choisich e a-null gu’n chunntar eile (p. 58), sheachain sinn an t-ànradh sin (p. 59), ’inntinn fad air falbh an dùthaich ’an aimsir MhicChruimein (p. 59), Cha robh dùil sam bith agam ri dé bha ri tighinn (p. 59), A mhèirlich bhig (p. 60), ’S gann nach tug an saoghal boc as (p. 60), Cha tàinig diog as ar bial (p. 60), gu robh sìon ceàrr (p. 60), an dràsd (p. 60), aig a’ cheud bhuille de’n tràghadh (p. 60), a’ coiseachd air ais ’s air aghaidh (p. 60), ann an guth tachdte (p. 60), a’ sgogairseachd airson mathanas (p. 61), bha e air a dhalladh leis an daoraich (p. 62), and Bha Raoghall uamhasach deireannach (p. 62). Of particular interest is the final u in turus, the final i in gu leòir, the ia dipthong in sgialachdan and bial, the final d in dràsd, the use of dara instead of darna, the forms de’n and gu’n, and the use of the word sìon.

Gòrdan Donald’s story Creic agus Ceannach (p. 28-35) reflects Tiree Gaelic and includes the following interesting terminology: Geòla, na geòla and do’n gheòlaidh (p. 28), acuinnean (p. 28), Cùnnradh (p. 28), e-fhéin (p. 28), le sguinn de stàilinn (p. 28), bhuaithe sin, agus tacan math roimhe (p. 28), a’ grodadh aig ceann na tobhtaidh (p. 28), Tùthagan beaga snog de thaoin (P. 28), an sud ’s an seo (p. 28), sùgh no dhà de fhiodh (p. 28), Bha i deas aige (p. 28), mheantraich e mach leatha (p. 28), a-stigh (p. 29), an t-ainm fansaidh (p. 29), air farraid dha ciod a bha e dol a dheanamh (p. 29), a’ gabhail a’ chaothaich ’s ’ga chàineadh (p. 29), air eagal ’s gum b’ e an t-aigeal a’ cheud àite bheireadh i mach (p. 29), Cha ruig sibh a leas (p. 29), a chionn Dia riut (p. 29), a laochain (p. 29), bheat an t-Ileach an Deamhan (p. 29), siod (p. 29), Placaid (p. 29), cha robh Alasdair a’ brath creic fhaotainn (p. 29), ceart gu leòr (p. 29), cha robh aon duine a bha cho fad air ais (p. 29), an coltas (p. 29), gu h-ionnraic (p. 29), na poinich (p. 30), seachduinn (p. 30), Dé ur barail, a bhalachaibh? (p. 30), an dà fheocallan ud (p. 30), fhuair Alasdair leis (p. 30), a chòmhdhail a’ bhus (p. 30), Bha i air deireadh (p. 30), Fiachaidh (p. 31), aig ceann na grupag ud (p. 31), Bha e toileach culaidh-spuirt a dheanamh dhith (p. 31), cha ghabhadh e diar (p. 32), Tha e freagairt ort (p. 32), is dòcha leam-sa (p. 34), shuidh e làmh rithe (p. 34), theann a bhean ri trod (p. 34), Thalla, a sgleamair mhosaich gun tùr! Cha robh thu riamh ach a’ milleadh a h-uile ni! (p. 34), thòisich i air ròmhanaich (p. 34), gun deachaidh (p. 34), and Stad Mórag d’a trod (p. 35). Of particular interest is his use of the form do’n, his use of sud, seo, and also siod, his use of deas rather than deiseil, his use of acuinnean rather than acfhuinnean, the ia dipthong in diar, the forms a-stigh and e-fhéin, cha ruig rather than cha leig, and the final u in seachduinn.

Coinneach Fionnlasdan’s story Mary Kate (pp. 36-41) reflects his Applecross Gaelic and contains the following interesting terminology: Nach glan mi fhéin air an danns (p. 36), romh àm bracbhaist (p. 36), an sud (p. 36), an t-aodan ciatach, ruthach (p. 36), roimhe (p. 36), ochd bliadhna diag (p. 36), Gu dé an t-ainm a th’ort? (p. 36), thòisich i air dannsadh cho aotrom ri fras cluaran (p. 36), réir coltais (p. 37), Chuimhnich i dhomh (p. 37), dhe na ceàrdaidhnean (p. 37), Fiach dé ’s urrainn duit a dheanamh (p. 37), ré a’ gheamhraidh fhad ud (p. 37), na dean seo (p. 37), Ach coma co-dhiùbh (p. 37), cloc (p. 38), ach mo thruaighe! (p. 38), Di-h-Aoine (p. 39) and di-luain and Di-màirt (p. 40), Cha bhi cuid no gnothach agam ris (p. 39), and cuibhteas (p. 40). Of particular interest is his use of romh, sud and seo, Gu dé, his use of duit after urrainn, the bh in cuibhteas, and the form of Di-h-Aoine and Di-màirt.

Domhnall Iain MacAidh’s story Leum nan Sinnsearan (pp. 42-49) reflects his Bernera Gaelic and contains the following useful terminology: Shuidh i ’na curraban ris an luatha (p. 42), a’ criomadh chnàmhan (p. 42), a’ sgrìobadh seice le spor (p. 42), ’se fìor sheann ablach a bha air a’ chaillich (p. 42), Chualas plaids aig an ursainn (p. 42), cnapanach de dhuine stalcarra (p. 42), thòisich iad a’ feannadh leis an spor (p. 42), deamhan (p. 42), ge bith dé chuir ann e (p. 42), An tug e dad dhuit (p. 42), slòchdan (p. 42), romh (p. 43), nach fhalbhadh dha’n deòin (p. 44), naomh-thaighean (p. 44), dh’éirich e na shradagan (p. 45), bha e ’na òganach coltach (p. 45), slacan (p. 45), a-muigh ’s a-stigh (p. 45), aon mhiar (p. 45), a’ drunndail (p. 45), dha’n iodhal gréine (p. 45), Nuair a bha gach nì deas (p. 47), na sleaghan (p. 47), plian mór gàire air aodann (p. 48), Thuit i ’s chaidh car dhith, chuir e toinneamh ’na h-aobrainn (p. 48), ’na cruaidh leum (p. 48), am muir ag onfhadh (p. 48), ag altramas (p. 49), dréin a’ ghàire (p. 49). Of particular interest is his use of romh, ge bith, deas rather than deiseil, the form dhuit, and his use of the words, stalcarra, plaids, cnapanach, and plian.

Anna Chaimbeul’s story Ozymandias (pp. 15-22) contains the following interesting terminology: sud (p. 15), dhuit (p. 15), na sradagan air do shàilean: siogada seagada am fonn ’s a thog tacaidean do bhrògan (p. 15), gabhail cùram nach saltradh tu air lìon-dubh air a’ chabhsair (p. 15), cunntadh stuic na callaid (p. 15), corpaileir (p. 15), ghlaodh an sàirseant an àird a ghuth (p. 15), sios an guitear (p. 155), O thruaighein (p. 15), mun duirt i ’n còrr (p. 15), gom bi e mar leasan dhuit (p. 16), dh’an sgoile (p. 16), an dara té dhiubh (p. 16), dh’fhalbh iad air an turraman mar thunnagan (p. 16), co dhiubh no co dheth (p. 16), mar chailleachan seasga (p. 17), na duilleagan seargte (p. 17), dh’fhoighnich thu (p. 17), Cuidich leam! (p. 17), troimh ghloine-amhairc (p. 18), ’s tu ’n imcheist (p. 18), Chan eil e furasda leam idir (p. 18), an taobh a-stigh na h-ionnsramaide (p. 18), Gu dé bhiodh innte (p. 19), airson greiseige (p. 19), o’n bha thu ’nad dhroch chàs (p. 19), ceisd (p. 19), colbh-seòlaidh (p. 20), and mur’eil (p. 21). Of particular interest is her use of sud, gu dé, gom, and dara, the form of dhuit, dh’an, o’n, and mun duirt, and the final d in ceisd.

Pòl MacAonghais’s story Sin Mar a Tha (pp. 50-56) contains the following terminology of interest: Bha aonach eagalach air (p. 50), Chuir e mhuilcheann ri mhalaidh (p. 50), fasan (p. 50), bho chionn greis (p. 50), Bha e corra bhuille-ràmh bhuaithe (p. 50), do’n (p. 50), mo thogair (p. 50), an ceartuair (p. 50), Ach a dhiall (p. 50), cò aig tha brath (p. 50), ge ’r bith dé as coireach (p. 51), Gu dearbha (p. 51), cha bu ruith ach leum (p. 51), do Dhun-Eideann (p. 51), chan eil fhios am fhìn (p. 51), chual mi (p. 51), theid mi ’n urras (p. 51), gun duine cloinneadh air thuar a bhith aca (p. 51), oir bha toiseach lìonaidh ’san t-sròm (p. 51), troimh ’n uinneig-chinn ’san dol seachad (p. 51), gur robh bràisdeal math aig Oighrig air (p. 51), dh’fhiach e (p. 51), A shìorruidh (p. 51), sud (p. 51), an còmhnuidh (p. 51), ’s buidhe dhi, gu deimhinne (p. 51), ann a sheo (p. 51), Nach ann tric ann i, dé? (p. 51), co-dhiùbh bhiodh ann latha no oidhche (p. 52), air son (p. 52), mu’n tac-sa bhliadhna (p. 52), gu bith (p. 52), ’s tu air do lathadh a dhuine (p. 52), las e siogairet (p. 52), Bha dùil am (p. 52), do d’stamaig (p. 52), radha (p. 52), an ainm an àigh na bi sgalathartaich (p. 52), tha e cho math dhuit an leaba thoirt ort (p. 52), an tuar a th’ort (p. 53), uige (p. 53), An latha’rna mhàireach (p. 53), Fiach dhomh leth-cheud (p. 54), cha do thárr e dhol fada (p. 54), osbadal (p. 54), cha robh aithne aig’ air a’ chòrr (p. 55), a chaidh a thafann dha (p. 55), rinn e bloigh-leubhaidh air (p. 55), gu-ta (p. 55), Dh’éisd (p. 55), Stad thus’ ort, a Dhomhnaill (p. 55), cha ruig sinn a leas (p. 56), and prothaid (p. 56). Of particular interest is the use of an ceartuair, Gu dearbha, the forms of air son, radha, ge ’r bith, dhuit, uige, gu bhith, and gu-ta, the spelling of osbadal, leubhaidh, and An latha’rna mhàireach, and the words bràisdeal, and deimhinne.

The works of Iain Moireach and Eilidh Watt have been examined in detail in previous texts (Text 39 and Text 40).
EditionFirst edition.
Other Sources
Further ReadingMoireach, Iain, An Aghaidh Choimheach (Glasgow, 1973: Gairm).
Watt, Eilidh, A’ Bhratach Dhealrach (Inverness, 1972: Club Leabhar).
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